There may be times when you need to know more information about your computer. This information may include the name of your computer, name of your network, the hardware that your computer is using, and network identification.
You may need information related to your computer when you need to figure out the name of your computer or the network your computer is using.
From your computer you can access these options using a few different methods.
- Step 1
OPTION 1 - Right-click the "Computer" icon and select the "Properties" option.
- Step 2
OPTION 2 - Select the "Control Panel" option from the Windows 7 Start button. Select the "System and Security" option, and then select the "System" option.
- Step 3
SYSTEM INFORMATION. Your system information will display that includes information about the version of Windows you are running, the type of processor you are using, how much memory your computer has, and how your computer is identified on the network.
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