What is the major difference in link budgets between UMTS and GSM/TDMA?
In UMTS you generally have a link budget for each service (voice, data, video etc), in GSM you usually only use 1 for voice. Each service has a different Eb/No target. In UMTS you have to consider the target traffic load you will have and add a noise-rise margin, in GSM you may have a slight interference margin but not normally related to traffic. In UMTS some services (like voice) will show up as uplink limited but other services (like HSDPA, 384kbps service) will show as downlink limited. In UMTS you usually have to consider that all users use the same power from the BTS therefore the more number of users the lower the maximum power available per user (maximum power per connection) which is a starting point in the link budget.
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